Safety & Security System

One Stop End to End Advanced seamless ELV/ICT Technology Solutions

Safety & Security System

Safety & Security System Services includes Designing, Project Management, Project Supervision, Supply, Installation, Testing Commissioning & Maintenance Services of

CCTV Surveillance System

Cameras , NVR & Monitoring Station

Intruder Alarm System

Video Wall, Software interface with Controller, Furniture Console & Third party Systems.

Perimeter Protection System

Fiber Fence Protection, Beam Detectors & Thermal Camera System

Access Control System

Card Readers, Bio Metric , Keypad etc, ACP Panels, Visitor Management System & Security Management Software System.

Physical Security System

Automatic Barriers, Bollard, Road Blockers, UVSS , ANPR , Luggage Baggage Scanner, Walk Through Metal Detectors & Turnstile System etc.

Defense Security System

Land Border, Aviation, Navy Security & Simulator Training System

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​With over 30+ reputed brands supplying solutions for all possible security needs, Educational Solutions, Parking & automation requirements , we have distinctive solutions to suit the needs of all our customers based in Kuwait.


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